这算是我第一次看外国拍的修仙剧他们终于是被我们荼毒了并且不费吹灰之力超越我国任何一部仙侠片呵呵~ 不但很会讲故事逻辑感极强特效还很高级呵呵~ 我本不想这么阴阳怪气地挖苦我们的影视行业但看完只觉得啪啪打脸至于文化和长相我只能说在如此剧情节奏和品质下见仁见智了这部剧我五星奉陪到底
Superbly shocking. But I don't see any horror in Wicker Man, for the mood is as far from dread or fearful expectation as it might be. There isn't a shadow in sight. In fact, it's very bright, light and joyful, full of sweet and sensual folk songs and dances - slightly freakish but happily so. Most of the action takes place in flowery, open settings, irradiated by the sun and surrounded by the sea. I never completely bought into the murder or sacrifice of young Rowan, and speculated that the mystery will eventually clear up with no one getting hurt. But I took the bait and fell for the trap, the grandiose ending revealing how true madness, madness unaware of itself, was in play all along.